Weather Policies (Mississippi Little League)

PrintWeather Policies

Sometimes due to weather, an MLL field time must be cancelled.  Here are examples of weather that would cancel a field time:

  • Rain that is heavy enough to make fields and equipment slippery or unsafe will cause a field time to be cancelled.  
  • Fields can remain unsafe AFTER a heavy rain, even if it has since stopped raining.  An unsafe field will cause a field time to be cancelled. 
  • Any lightning seen or heard will cause a field time to be cancelled, this can happen mid-field time and will cancel the rest of the field time.
  • A temperature of 30degrees or higher will cause a field time to be cancelled. 

The decision to cancel comes only from MLL President or Vice President (not coaches). 

In any case of a cancellation, MLL Executive will notify all registrants at least 1 hour before field time.
Notification will come via email and will be posted on the MLL Facebook page. 

If teams are onsite or a game has started and thunder is heard or lightning is seen, a 30 minute suspension or delay will be initiated. In this case ALL players, coaches and umpires leave the diamond and retreat to a car or substantial building (not in the dugout).

Some notes from Little League Canada:

Heat and Humidity:

When the temperature rises, caution must be exercised. If a player is thirsty, it’s already a sign that they are becoming dehydrated. Encourage players to drink water every 15 minutes, and find ways to give players a break in the shade. Heat-related injuries are some of the easiest weather issues to prevent.

The Sun:

Sunlight can have damaging effects on the skin. Not only is a sunburn painful, but each instance of such an injury can increase someone’s chances of developing skin cancer. The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of a sunscreen indicates how many times longer it takes for the user to develop skin damage from the sun. Be sure parents are properly protecting their kids by ensuring they apply sunscreen while dressing for a game or practice, even under their uniforms

Thunder and Lightning:

The old adage “If you hear it, clear it; if you see it, flee it” is an important one. Baseball and softball fields are big, open spaces, which are susceptible to potential lightning strikes. A strike can hit from up to 10 miles away, which means it could happen before you even see dark clouds in the sky. The only way to be as prepared as possible for a thunderstorm is to monitor the weather. Field times will be cancelled for lightning.